To be truly financially stable, you need to have enough money to cover your expenses and emergencies and a sizeable nest egg for your retirement without the fear of running out. This means being able to maintain your living standards without stretching yourself. However, at what age should one achieve financial security?

There is no age limit, but as soon as one starts earning, one needs to work towards achieving financial security.

Though many people assume it to be, this should not be an exercise in self-deprivation. It is also much more than just leaving your job and stopping work. You have to plan, transition, and make lifestyle changes that align with your personal goals.

Furthermore, financial security is crucial as it plays into feeling financially safe and resilient when crises hit your wallet. When you’re financially secure, you may feel confident that you’re equipped to cover yourself and stay afloat, even when life’s uncertainties are thrown your way.

Learn more about this in the video below, as Timothy Macharia, Head of Wealth Management at KCB Investment Bank, delves into ways of achieving financial security.