Mumbi, is a single mom with two teenagers. She has learnt to stretch the shilling to make it through the school holidays. 

Occupation:  Editorial Assistant
Industry:  PR & Communication
Age:  37 years
Location: Nairobi,

Do you have a monthly budget? Every month has its expenses, but on average, I spend KSh35,000 (KSh20,000 for rent, KSh600 for water, KSh200 for garbage, and KSh2,500 for internet). College hostel fees are KSh5,000, and food and tokens are KSh1,000.

Electricity: I spend around KSh100 buying 5 tokens to last me 3 days (so about KSh1000 per month). Transport varies depending on the mode, whether walking, boda, or matatu (KSh2000).

Phone Airtime: I buy the KSh500 monthly for minutes and data on the phone.

Loan Payments: Chama- KSh 40,000 (KSh4,700 per month) Fuliza- KSh2,500. Phone bill (KSh71 per day) and Hustler Fund KSh1,075.

Insurance Payments: Fortunately, my employer offers medical coverage.

What you spend most of your cash on: Bills, school fees and food.

Savings: KSh5,000 per month (I’m trying to develop a savings culture, so I asked my employer to deduct this amount and remit it to my SACCO. I also save KSh1,000 with my chama to increase my shares and boost my savings.

Day One – Monday

  1. I woke up at 6:30 a.m. to the sound of the token meter making noise, so I topped up KSh100 and took a quick shower. When I say quick, I mean it was less than 1 token. (I check these things…) I packed breakfast and lunch to save on these expenses. 
  2. I spent KSh50 on a boda boda ride to work, and since it was Monday, I was feeling confident, so I paid both to and from as he is my regular… so I sent him KSh100. 
  3. With one of my children home for the holidays… I cook one meal for supper, which we also eat during lunchtime. I pack some for lunch if it is enough.
  4. At lunch time, I ate my packed lunch, which saved me about KSh150.
  5. After work, I called the boda boda guy, who told me, ‘Ako bali nijipange’. Waaah, he still had my KSh50, so I decided to walk. After a 40-minute walk, I made it to the closest station to my place and boarded a matatu that charged me KSh20 to my home. 

Total for the day – KSh220

Day 2 – Tuesday

  1. Woke up at 6:30 am, took a shower and used 1 token, and then packed only breakfast 
  2. Transport to the office was via boda boda, KSh50, again my boda guy was MIA (nikama kimeniramba hapo). 
  3. I got to the office and ate my breakfast, which I had packed: 1 egg and 1 ngwaci (total cost KSh25: Egg KSh15, Ngwaci was one of 6 pieces which cost KSh50 both of which I cooked at home)
  4. At lunchtime, I ate a lot of stories and drank water. Why? What I prepared for supper was not enough for two lunch meals, so I could not pack leftovers. 
  5. My phone was switched off because it is on a payment plan, aka lipa mdogo mdogo, so I switched to my kabambe.

Total for the day – KSh90

Day 3 – Wednesday

  1. At 5 a.m., I was startled awake by the rain. I woke up to find the token singing for me again, so I topped up with KSh100 and went back to bed, deceiving myself that the rain was too heavy, only to end up waking up late at 7:27 a.m.
  2. Due to the hurry, I did not have time to pack lunch. My regular boda guy was finally available, saving me the KSh50 I paid three days ago.
  3. During lunch hour, I went out, bought a banana for KSh11, and took long walks around the office.
  4. Being mid-week, I had to pass by the market to add a few groceries: 4 tomatoes KSh20, ½ kasuku potatoes KSh120, Ngwaci KSh50, 1 packet of milk KSh65, 1 small cabbage KSh30, 6 carrots KSh30 and bananas 3 for KSh20. I was feeling extravagant, so I bought bread for KSh65. Greens for KSh30. 1 avocado for KSh20, 2 mangoes KSh40
  5. Transport home was KSh 20 as I walked to the stage and boarded a matatu

Total cost for the day: KSh591

Day 4 – Thursday

  1. My alarm went off and woke me up at 6:30 a.m., but the minute I turned it off, I decided to doom scroll..bad idea… Suffice to say, I was running late, so I took a quick shower and spent less than 1 token.
  2. I packed lunch, grabbed four slices of bread for breakfast, and called the boda guy. 
  3.  Transport was KSh50. I have learned my lesson. I’ll pay per trip.
  4. My son sent me a WhatsApp message around lunchtime. That’s rare, and 2, it’s mid-week… and I knew pesa ya token imeisha… so I asked how much he was soliciting. KSh400 was dispatched from my M-Pesa, aka Fuliza, to cover tokens, comrade meals, and printing costs for some assignments.
  5. Today is a good day. I have both stories and food for lunch, so feeling very rich I treat myself to a soda at the supermarket… because it’s good to remind yourself till ya ‘super’ KSh50.
  6. After work, I decided not to take the 40-minute walk to the stage to test the Boda guy… and lo and behold, he was around… KSh50 pap.
  7. I got home to find the bread was over, and I had yet to boil the ngwaci, so I bought charcoal for KSh70 to boil the sweet potatoes and some ndengu for the end of the week. 

Total amount for the day: KSh620

Day 5 – Friday

  1. The work week is almost over, and since it’s Friday, I miss being online. So, after I woke up and got ready, I decided to walk to work so I could pay the KSh71 for the phone. Granted, I was slightly late, but it was worth it to be back online.
  2. Packing lunch and breakfast also saved my meal expenses for the day. With scrolling on social media during lunch hour to keep me company, I did not notice the time quickly passing.
  3. After work, I walked to the matatu stage and boarded a matatu for the rest of the way, which cost KSh20.

Total Spend:  KSh91

Day 6 – Saturday

  1. I woke up at 6:30 a.m. but stayed in bed until 8 a.m., enjoying the last few minutes before the phone locked again.
  2. Bread is not an option today, so I sent the youngin for two eggs (KSh30) and used only one egg to make pancakes, which saved us Sh65. Breakfast is sorted.
  3. I then transform into mama fua and start house chores, washing laundry and cleaning the house like my life depends on it; I then light the jiko and boil the cereals and sweet potatoes, and by late afternoon, all the work is done.
  4. By then, the token was making those noises again, and I topped it up with KSh100, which should keep it from embarrassing me further.
  5. I make supper early and stay indoors to avoid transport costs or any sneaky expenses that occur when I decide to visit the shop.

Total cost of the day: KSh130

Day 7 – Sunday 

Sundays are relaxed days for family and church. I wake up at 6:30 a.m. because my internal alarm clock seems to be working overtime.

Breakfast is once again pancakes with the second egg bought yesterday for the young one and 1 ngwaci for me.

My shower consumes 1 token, and we prepare for church. We have the option of online service, which I pick for two out of the four Sundays of the month.

After service, at 2 p.m., we have lunch, and then we visit the local market for our second weekly shopping.

This time, I buy 4 tomatoes for KSh20, 4 Onions for KSh20, 1 kg of rice for KSh170, 4 green bananas for KSh40, and greens for KSh 50. 

My other (comrade) son sends the text “How was church, mum?” after he realises WhatsApp is ‘not working’, (Niko kwa kabambe remember) and I know it’s time to send some parental dues.

 This time, I only have KSh160 to spare, so I send that and respond, “It was a blessed service; I prayed for you.”

The week ends on a high note as we get to enjoy the dancing token song and prepare for another week of budgeting.

Total for the day: KSh460

Total for the week – KSh2,202