It’s a wrap: Planning for death
In many African cultures, discussing death remains taboo, yet its inevitability calls for preparation—especially in matters of finance.

You are dead, and your loved ones are sad, but there is a way to ease their pain. Interested? Read on.
In many African societies, planning for death is considered taboo. It is usually said that by doing so, one is calling the grim reaper. But the reality is that all of us will pass through that door, so being ready, especially in matters of finance, is wise, and it gives your loved one relief amidst the pain.
Here is a short list of the main things that you need to do. You can keep this information in a physical state and back it up online. Most importantly, tell someone where to find it upon your death.
1. Financial inventory: List all your accounts – savings, current, money market fund, government paper, saccos, etc. – that you have so that your family can be able to access them without searching for details. Additionally, indicate who is listed as next of kin.
2. Wealth inventory: List all your assets and keep this information up to date. To facilitate access, you can also list your insurance and pension schemes here. Information on chamas can also be added here.
3. Credit inventory: Make a list of any loans, debts, liabilities and repayment schedules. Your most up-to-date tax filing can go into this folder.
4. Digital footprint: Leave a secure list of all your login details of emails, bank accounts, social media and online accounts.
5. Important contacts: Compile a list of family members, lawyer, and employer so that they can be contacted immediately upon your demise are reachable.
6. Lawyer up: With the current proliferation of advocates in Kenya, everyone can now access legal services. A lawyer helps you write a will, which enables you to control the distribution of your property and handle taxes accruing from death.
6. Last dance: Write out your specific wishes for your funeral service and burial ceremony or how and when you wish to be interred. To make it even more peaceful for your loved ones, you can take out death insurance.
Death and taxes are said to be the sure things in life. With the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) working hard to grind out taxes from you, it is best to be prepared for the other eventuality: death.
As we approach the end of the year and the start of 2025, putting your affairs in order is a resolution that will reward you and your loved ones in this life and the next.