Transitioning to a new job can be an exciting and a nerve-wracking experience. Making the decision to change jobs is not an easy one, especially when thinking about the financial implications of that move. Costs may so occasionally be disregarded because of the metaphorical new beginning it gives. But these costs cannot be ignored because changing jobs has some financial implications on your finances.

These may include increasing transportation expenses, moving to a different neighborhood or city, losing job benefits, or even receiving a pay reduction.

To make the transition smoother, these are some of the things to look out for to prepare financially for that big career move.

Relocation costs

If you are moving to a new city or area for your new job, be prepared for the cost of moving expenses; from rent, a one or two-month deposit depending on your lease agreement, to hiring movers to transport your things from your old place to the new one.

Commuting costs

So maybe you don’t need to move, but the commute has now become longer. If your new job requires a longer commute, you’ll need to consider the increased cost of fuel or public transportation. If the cost is too strenuous, it could be a good idea to start incorporating a steps challenge into your daily routine. Or once settled, carpool with a colleague who lives in the same neighborhood.

Pay decrease

Some may say that taking a job with less pay is a bad move. But don’t let that prevent you from taking a job that aligns with your passions and possible career growth. However, it’s important that if you do choose to go down that road, be sure to factor in the decrease in salary and how it will affect your overall financial situation.

Time between paychecks

The reality of changing jobs is that the paycheck doesn’t coincide with the move. Usually, there is a time gap between paychecks as you switch jobs. If you’re a contractor, you may be paid at the end of the project period and that could be after several weeks or months. But for most jobs, you have to wait till the end of the month to receive your first paycheck. However, no matter the pay gap this is something you must consider when you’re changing jobs.

Benefits packages

You may be joining a new job because the salary promised is greater and that is never a bad thing. However, it’s important to look past just your base salary and also interrogate the job benefits a company offers. These include things such as health insurance, funded training opportunities, and time in lieu. These are all things that support your financial future and make you feel rewarded and appreciated for your work. Because if they don’t provide such then that means you must also account for the costs of these added benefits from your base salary. So, it may turn out that these benefits paired with a lower salary can be more financially appealing.

All things considered, when you’ve decided to move on to a new job, your decision will have financial implications for you and your future. So, here are a few tips to help cushion you financially.

  • Save up for an emergency fund: Having a cash reserve can help you weather the financial ups and downs of a job transition.
  • Plan ahead: Do your research about the new job and its benefits and costs, and factor that into your budget.
  • Be flexible: Be prepared to make changes to your spending and budget to accommodate the new expenses associated with your new job.
  • Consider a side hustle: Having a side job or freelance work can help supplement your income during the transition.

Remember, transitioning into a new job can be a great opportunity for personal and professional growth, but it’s important to be mindful of the financial implications and plan accordingly.